Getting Help
Do you have a prescription painkiller or other drug abuse problem?
Although prescription medications have different physical effects, the symptoms of their abuse and addiction are similar.
Common signs of drug abuse:
You’re neglecting your responsibilities at work, school, or home because of your drug use.
You’re using drugs under dangerous conditions or taking risks while high, such as driving while on drugs.
Your drug use is getting you into legal trouble such as stealing to support a drug habit.
Your drug use is causing problems in your relationships, such as arguments with your partner or family members and loss of friends.
Common signs of drug addiction:
You’ve built up a drug tolerance, meaning you need more of the drug to experience the same effects.
You take drugs to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may include jitters, anxiety, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.
You’ve stopped participating in activities you once enjoyed.
You continue to use drugs even when you realize they could be causing problems.
Your life revolves around drug use.
Recognizing that you have a drug problem is the first step in getting better.
Finding Treatment Resources and Other Services
Recognizing that you have a drug problem is the first step in getting better.
Asking for help is the second step.
Celebrate Recovery
Tackling the Issue
Coweta Force
Coweta Cares
(770) 683-CARE (2273)
Georgia Council on Substance Abuse
Georgia Crisis Access Line (GCAL)
Opioid Treatment Providers of Georgia
Wholistic Stress Control Institute
Georgia Overdose Prevention
Georgia Overdose Prevention is a grassroots organization comprised of parents, healthcare professionals, harm reduction advocates and friends of those who have lost loved ones to accidental drug overdose.
Our group was formed to create and advocate for the passage of the Georgia 911 Medical Amnesty Law.